Nitrogen-Containing Flavonoids-Preparation and Biological Activity ACS Omega. 2024; 9(32); 34938-349502024 Hurtová M.Brdová D.Křížkovská B.Tedeschi G.Nejedlý T.Strnad O.Dobiasová S.Osifová Z.KroneislovÁ G.Lipov J.Valentová K.Viktorová J.Křen V.Zobrazit další (8) Laboratoř biotransformací10.1021/acsomega.4c04627
Biosorption of Lead and Copper by Epiphytic Rhizobacterial Species Isolated from Lepironia articulata and Scirpus grossus Journal of Ecological Engineering. 2024; 25(2); 44-61202410.12911/22998993/176144