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Polysaccharide BAP1 of Bifidobacterium adolescentis CCDM 368 is a biologically active molecule with immunomodulatory properties Carbohydrate Polymers. 2023; 315(1 September 2023); 1209802023 Pacyga-Prus K.Jakubczyk D.Sandström C.Šrůtková D.Pyclik M.Leszczynska K.Ciekot J.Razim A.Schwarzer M.Górska S.Zobrazit další (5) Laboratoř gnotobiologie10.1016/j.carbpol.2023.120980
Arbuscular mycorrhiza: advances and retreats in our understanding of the ecological functioning of the mother of all root symbioses Plant and Soil. 2023; 1-2(May 23); 41-882023 Kuyper T.Jansa J. Laboratoř biologie hub10.1007/s11104-023-06045-z
Cysteine tRNA acts as a stop codon readthrough-inducing tRNA in the human HEK293T cell line RNA. 2023; 29(9); 1379-13872023 Valášek L.Kučerová M.Zeman J.Beznosková P. Laboratoř regulace genové exprese10.1261/rna.079688.123
The role of arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis in improving plant water status under drought Journal of Experimental Botany. 2023; 74(16); 4808-48242023 Abdalla M.Bitterlich M.Jansa J.Püschel D.Ahmed M. Laboratoř biologie hub10.1093/jxb/erad249
Growth of the Red Alga Galdieria sulphuraria in Red Mud-Containing Medium and Accumulation of Rare Earth Elements Waste and Biomass Valorization. 2023; 14(7); 2179-21892023 Náhlík V.Čížková M.Singh A.Mezricky D.Rucki M.Andresen E.Vítová M.Zobrazit další (2) Laboratoř molekulární biologie bakteriálních patogenů 10.1007/s12649-022-02021-3
Plant-soil feedbacks in a diverse grassland: Soil remembers; but not too much Journal of Ecology. 2023; 111(6); 1203-12172023 Kuťáková E.Mészárošová L.Baldrian P.Münzbergová Z.Herben T. Laboratoř environmentální mikrobiologie10.1111/1365-2745.14104
Molecular structure of soluble vimentin tetramers Scientific Reports. 2023; 13(1); 88412023 Vermeire P.Lilina A.Hashim H.Dlabolova L.Fiala J.Beelen S.Kukačka Z.Harvey J.Novák P.Strelkov S.Zobrazit další (5) Laboratoř strukturní biologie a buněčné signalizace 10.1038/s41598-023-34814-4
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Symbiotic status alters fungal eco-evolutionary offspring trajectories Ecology Letters. 2023; 26(9); 1523-15342023 Aguilar-Trigueros C.Krah F.Cornwell W.Zanne A.Abrego N.Anderson I.Andrew C.Baldrian P.Baessler C.Bissett A.Chaudhary V.Chen B.Chen Y.Delgado-Baquerizo M.Deveautour C.Egidi E.Flores-Moreno H.Golan J.Heilmann-Clausen J.Hempel S.Hu Y.Kauserud H.Kivlin S.Kohout P.Lammel D.Maestre F.Pringle A.Purhonen J.Singh B.Veresoglou S.Větrovský T.Zhang H.Rillig M.Powell J.Zobrazit další (29) Laboratoř environmentální mikrobiologie10.1111/ele.14271
Stoichiometry of carbon; nitrogen and phosphorus is closely linked to trophic modes in orchids BMC Plant Biology. 2023; 23(1); 4222023 Minasiewicz J.Zwolicki A.Figura T.Novotná A.Bocayuva M.Jersáková J.Selosse M.Zobrazit další (2) Laboratoř environmentální mikrobiologie10.1186/s12870-023-04436-z
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Negative regulation of MurZ and MurA underlies the essentiality of GpsB- and StkP-mediated protein phosphorylation in iStreptococcus pneumoniae/i D39 Molecular Microbiology. 2023; 120(3); 351-3832023 Tsui H.Joseph M.Zheng J.Perez A.Manzoor I.Rued B.Richardson J.Branny P.Doubravová L.Massidda O.Winkler M.Zobrazit další (6) Laboratoř buněčné signalizace10.1111/mmi.15122
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Interleukin-17 producing cells in swine induced by microbiota during the early postnatal period a brief research report Frontiers in Immunology. 2023; 14(SEP 20); 12144442023 Štěpánová H.Scheirichová M.Matiašovic J.Hlavová K.Šinkora M.Štěpánová K.Faldyna M.Zobrazit další (2) Laboratoř gnotobiologie10.3389/fimmu.2023.1214444
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Microbiome specificity and fluxes between two distant plant taxa in Iberian forests Environmental Microbiome. 2023; 18(1); 642023 Saati Santamaria Z.Vicentefranqueira R.Kolařík M.Rivas R.Garcia-Fraile P. Laboratoř genetiky a metabolismu hub10.1186/s40793-023-00520-x