Taxonomy and phylogeny of Paramarasmius gen. nov. and Paramarasmius mesosporus; a worldwide distributed fungus with a strict ecological niche Plant Biosystems. 2023; 157(2); 286-2932023 Antonín V.Hosaka K.Kolařík M. Laboratoř genetiky a metabolismu hub10.1080/11263504.2022.2100503
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IgA Nephropathy: Pleiotropic impact of Epstein-Barr virus infection on immunopathogenesis and racial incidence of the disease Frontiers in Immunology. 2023; 14(7 February); 10859222023 Městecký J.Julian B.Raška M. Laboratoř buněčné a molekulární imunologie10.3389/fimmu.2023.1085922
Co-responses of bacterial and fungal communities to fire management treatments in Mediterranean pyrophytic ecosystems Science of the Total Environment. 2023; 875(June 1); 1626762023 Martin-Pinto P.Dejene T.Benucci G.Mediavilla O.Hernandez-Rodriguez M.Geml J.Baldrian P.Sanz-Benito I.Olaizola J.Bonito G.Oria-de-Rueda J.Zobrazit další (6) Laboratoř environmentální mikrobiologie10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.162676
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