Biodegradation of PCBs in contaminated water using spent oyster mushroom substrate and a trickle-bed bioreactor Water Research. 2020; 170(March 1); 1152742020 Šrédlová K.Škrob Z.Filipová A.Mašín P.Holecová J.Cajthaml T.Zobrazit další (1) Laboratoř environmentální biotechnologie10.1016/j.watres.2019.115274
Long-term effects of earthworms (Lumbricus rubellus Hoffmeister; 1843) on activity and composition of soil microbial community under laboratory conditions Applied Soil Ecology. 2020; 150(JUN 2020); 1034632020 Heděnec P.Cajthaml T.Pižl V.Márialigeti K.Tóth E.Borsodi A.Chroňáková A.Krištůfek V.Frouz J.Zobrazit další (4) Laboratoř environmentální biotechnologie10.1016/j.apsoil.2019.103463
Composting Practices for the Remediation of Matrices Contaminated by Recalcitrant Organic Pollutants In: FILIP; Jan; CAJTHAML; Tomáš; NAJMANOVÁ; Petra; ČERNÍK; Miroslav; ZBOŘIL; Radek; eds. Advanced Nano-Bio Technologies for Water and Soil Treatment. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland AG; 2020; s. 467-4942020 Lhotský O.Covino S.Cajthaml T. Laboratoř environmentální biotechnologie10.1007/978-3-030-29840-1_23
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IN VIVO BIODOSIMETRY OF PORCINE T-LYMPHOCYTE SUBSETS AND NK CELLS Radiation Protection Dosimetry. 2020; 186(2-3); 181-1852020 Andrejsova L.Šinkorová Z.Šinkora J.Tichý A.Filipová A.Němcová M.Šinkora M.Zobrazit další (2) Laboratoř environmentální biotechnologie10.1093/rpd/ncz199
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Analysis of the biodegradative and adaptive potential of the novel polychlorinated biphenyl degrader Rhodococcus sp. WAY2 revealed by its complete genome sequence Microbial Genomics. 2020; 6(4); 0003632020 Garrido-Sanz D.Sansegundo-Lobato P.Redondo-Nieto M.Šuman J.Cajthaml T.Blanco-Romero E.Martín M.Uhlík O.Rivilla R.Zobrazit další (4) Laboratoř environmentální biotechnologie10.1099/mgen.0.000363