Microalgae cultivation trials in a membrane bioreactor operated in heterotrophic; mixotrophic; and phototrophic modes using ammonium-rich wastewater: The study of fouling Water Science and Technology. 2024; 89(10); 2732-27452024 Shamskilani M.Masojídek J.Abbasiniasar M.Ganji A.Shayegane J.Babaei A.Zobrazit další (1) 10.2166/wst.2024.148
Live feed enrichments using microalgae for pikeperch (Sander lucioperca) larval culture Journal of the World Aquaculture Society. 2024; 55(2); e130592024 Yanes-Roca C.Štěrbová K.Mráz J.Veselý L.Malinovskyi O.Pěnka T.Masojídek J.Policar T.Zobrazit další (3) 10.1111/jwas.13059
Poly???hydroxybutyrate production by Synechocystis MT_a24 in a raceway pond using urban wastewater Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2024; 108(1); 442024 Grivalský T.Lakatos G.Štěrbová K.Manoel J.Beloša R.Divoká P.Kopp J.Kriechbaum R.Spadiut O.Zwirzitz A.Trenzinger K.Masojídek J.Zobrazit další (7) 10.1007/s00253-023-12924-3
Transdisciplinary collaboration in architecture: Integrating microalgae biotechnologies for human and non-human perspectives Architecture Papers of the Faculty of Architecture and Design STU. 2023; 28(2); 10-202023 Miškovičová A.Masojídek J. 10.2478/alfa-2023-0008
Solar bioreactors used for the industrial production of microalgae Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2023; 107(21); 6439-64582023 Masojídek J.Lhotský R.Štěrbová K.Zittelli G.Torzillo G. 10.1007/s00253-023-12733-8
Photosynthesis and biochemical characterization of the green alga Chlamydopodium fusiforme (Chlorophyta) grown in a thin-layer cascade Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences. 2023; 22(9); 2231-22452023 Torzillo G.Alvarez-Gomez F.Celis-Pla P.Rearte A.Gomez-Serrano C.Silva Benavides A.Štěrbová K.Caporgno M.Touloupakis E.Masojídek J.Figueroa F.Zobrazit další (6) 10.1007/s43630-023-00444-y
Cold-adapted culturing of the microalga Monoraphidium sp. in thin-layer raceway pond for biomass production Algal Research-Biomass Biofuels and Bioproducts. 2023; 69(January 23); 1029262023 Lakatos G.Ranglová K.Bárcenas Pérez D.Grivalský T.Manoel J.Mylenko M.Cheel Horna J.Nyári J.Wirth R.Kovács K.Kopecký J.Nedbalová L.Masojídek J.Zobrazit další (8) 10.1016/j.algal.2022.102926
Microalgae as an aquaculture feed produced in a short light-path annular column photobioreactor Journal of Applied Phycology. 2023; 35(2); 603-6112023 Štěrbová K.Manoel J.Lakatos G.Grivalský T.Masojídek J. 10.1007/s10811-023-02928-x
Impact of photobioreactor design on microalgae-bacteria communities grown on wastewater: Differences between thin-layer cascade and thin-layer raceway ponds Bioresource Technology. 2023; 374(April 23); 1287812023 Clagnan E.Dell'Orto M.Štěrbová K.Grivalský T.Manoel J.Masojídek J.D'Imporzanoa G.Acien-Fernandez F.Adani F.Zobrazit další (4) 10.1016/j.biortech.2023.128781
Photosynthetic performance of Chlamydopodium (Chlorophyta) cultures grown in outdoor bioreactors Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2023; 107(7-8); 2249-22622023 Masojídek J.Štěrbová K.Serrano C.da Silva J.Grivalský T.Figueroa F.Fernandez F.Zobrazit další (2) 10.1007/s00253-023-12428-0
Bioactivity assessment; micropollutant and nutrient removal ability of Tetradesmus obliquus cultivated outdoors in centrate from urban wastewater Journal of Applied Phycology. 2022; 34(September 3); 2955-29702022 Grivalský T.Ranglová K.Lakatos G.Manoel J.Černá T.Barcelo-Villalobos M.Suarez Estrella F.Ördög V.Masojídek J.Zobrazit další (4) 10.1007/s10811-022-02828-6
Productivity and nutrient removal by the microalga Chlamydopodium fusiforme grown outdoors in BG-11 and piggery wastewater Frontiers in marine science. 2022; 9(24 November); 10431232022 Zittelli G.Silva Benavides A.Silovic T.Ranglová K.Masojídek J.Cicchi B.Faraloni C.Touloupakis E.Torzillo G.Zobrazit další (4) 10.3389/fmars.2022.1043123
Photosynthesis Monitoring in Microalgae Cultures Grown on Municipal Wastewater as a Nutrient Source in Large-Scale Outdoor Bioreactors Biology. 2022; 11(10); 13802022 Masojídek J.Gomez-Serrano C.Ranglová K.Cicchi B.Encinas Bogeat A.Manoel J.Sanches Zurano A.Silva Benavides A.Barcelo-Villalobos M.Carnero V.Ördög V.Gomez Pinchetti J.Voros L.Arbib Z.Rogalla F.Torzillo G.Figueroa F.Gabriel Acien-Fernandez F.Zobrazit další (13) 10.3390/biology11101380
Outdoor photoacclimation of two Chlorella strains characterized by normal and reduced light-harvesting antennas: photosynthetic activity and chlorophyll-protein organization Journal of Applied Phycology. 2022; 34(5); 2339-23532022 Masojídek J.Ranglová K.Bečková M.Torzillo G.Knoppová J.Silva Benavides A.Charvát F.Komenda J.Zobrazit další (3) 10.1007/s10811-022-02803-1
Continuous electrocoagulation of Chlorella vulgaris in a novel channel-flow reactor: A pilot-scale harvesting study. Bioresource Technology. 2022; 351(May 2022); 1269962022 Lucáková S.Brányiková I.Kováčiková S.Masojídek J.Ranglová K.Brányik T.Růžička M.Zobrazit další (2) 10.1016/j.biortech.2022.126996
Efficient microalgae feed production for fish hatcheries using an annular column photobioreactor characterized by a short light path and central LED illumination Journal of Applied Phycology. 2022; 34(1); 31-412022 Ranglová K.Bureš M.Manoel J.Lakatos G.Masojídek J. Centrum Algatech10.1007/s10811-021-02647-1
Quorum-Sensing Signals from Epibiont Mediate the Induction of Novel Microviridins in the Mat-Forming Cyanobacterial Genus Nostoc mSphere. 2021; 6(4); e00562-212021 Saha S.Bulzu P.Urajová P.Mareš J.Konert G.Manoel J.Macho M.Ewe D.Hrouzek P.Masojídek J.Ghai R.Saurav K.Zobrazit další (7) 10.1128/mSphere.00562-21
Impact of glgA1; glgA2 or glgC overexpression on growth and glycogen production in Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 Journal of Biotechnology. 2021; 340(NOV 10 2021); 47-562021 Mittermair S.Lakatos G.Nicoletti C.Ranglová K.Manoel J.Grivalský T.Kozhan D.Masojídek J.Richter J.Zobrazit další (4) 10.1016/j.jbiotec.2021.08.012
Characterization of an aerated submerged hollow fiber ultrafiltration device for efficient microalgae harvesting Engineering in Life Sciences. 2021; 21(10); 607-6222021 Tena F.Ranglová K.Kubáč D.Steinweg C.Thomson C.Masojídek J.Posten C.Zobrazit další (2) 10.1002/elsc.202100052
Culturing of microalgae for food applications In: LAFARGA; T.; ACIEN; G.; eds. Cultured Microalgae for the Food Industry. Current and potential applications. 1. vydání. Amsterdam: Elsevier; 2021; s. 1-482021 Torzillo G.Zittelli G.Benavides A.Ranglová K.Masojídek J.
A new approach for cultivating the cyanobacterium Nostoc calcicola (MACC-612) to produce biomass and bioactive compounds using a thin-layer raceway pond Algal Research-Biomass Biofuels and Bioproducts. 2021; 59(NOV 2021); 1024212021 Celis-Pla P.Rearte T.Neori A.Masojídek J.Bonomi-Barufi J.Alvarez-Gomez F.Ranglová K.da Silva J.Abdala R.Gómez C.Caporgno M.Torzillo G.Silva Benavides A.Ralph P.Massocato T.Atzmuller R.Vega J.Chavez P.Figueroa F.Zobrazit další (14) 10.1016/j.algal.2021.102421
Changes in photosynthesis; growth and biomass composition in outdoor Chlorella g120 culture during the metabolic shift from heterotrophic to phototrophic cultivation regime Algal Research-Biomass Biofuels and Bioproducts. 2021; 56(JUN 2021); 1023032021 Masojídek J.Ranglová K.Rearte T.Pla P.Torzillo G.Benavides A.Neori A.Gómez C.Alvarez-Gomez F.Lukeš M.Caporgno M.Abdala R.Miazek K.Massocato T.da Silva J.Atzmueller R.Al Mahrouqui H.Estrella F.Figueroa F.Zobrazit další (14) 10.1016/j.algal.2021.102303
Photosynthetic monitoring techniques indicate maximum glycogen accumulation in nitrogen-limited Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 culture Algal Research-Biomass Biofuels and Bioproducts. 2021; 55(55); 1022712021 Lakatos G.Ranglová K.Manoel J.Grivalský T.Masojídek J. 10.1016/j.algal.2021.102271
Growth and bioactivity of two chlorophyte (Chlorella and Scenedesmus) strains co-cultured outdoors in two different thin-layer units using municipal wastewater as a nutrient source Algal Research-Biomass Biofuels and Bioproducts. 2021; 56(JUN 2021); 1022992021 Carneiro M.Ranglová K.Lakatos G.Manoel J.Grivalský T.Kozhan D.Toribio A.Moreno J.Otero A.Varel J.Malcata F.Suarez Estrella F.Acien-Fernandez G.Molnar Z.Ördög V.Masojídek J.Zobrazit další (11) 10.1016/j.algal.2021.102299
Variables Governing Photosynthesis and Growth in Microalgae Mass Cultures Processes. 2021; 9(5); 8202021 Masojídek J.Ranglová K.Lakatos G.Silva Benavides A.Torzillo G. 10.3390/pr9050820
Photosynthetic performance of Chlorella vulgaris R117 mass culture is moderated by diurnal oxygen gradients in an outdoor thin layer cascade Algal Research-Biomass Biofuels and Bioproducts. 2021; 54(APR 21); 1021762021 Rearte T.Celis-Pla P.Neori A.Masojídek J.Torzillo G.Gomez-Serrano C.Silva Benavides A.Alvarez-Gomez F.Abdala-Diaz R.Ranglová K.Caporgno M.Massocato T.da Silva J.Al Mahrouqui H.Atzmuller R.Figueroa F.Zobrazit další (11) 10.1016/j.algal.2020.102176
Digestate as Sustainable Nutrient Source for Microalgae-Challenges and Prospects Applied Sciences-Basel. 2021; 11(3); 10562021 Bauer L.Ranglová K.Masojídek J.Drosg B.Meixner K. 10.3390/app11031056
Sustained photobiological hydrogen production by Chlorella vulgaris without nutrient starvation International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2021; 46(5); 3684-36942021 Touloupakis E.Faraloni C.Silva Benavides A.Masojídek J.Torzillo G. 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2020.10.257
Growth; biostimulant and biopesticide activity of the MACC-1 Chlorella strain cultivated outdoors in inorganic medium and wastewater Algal Research-Biomass Biofuels and Bioproducts. 2021; 53(MAR); 1021362021 Ranglová K.Lakatos G.Manoel J.Grivalský T.Suarez Estrella F.Acien Fernandez F.Molnar Z.Ördög V.Masojídek J.Zobrazit další (4) 10.1016/j.algal.2020.102136
Photobiochemical changes in Chlorella g120 culture during trophic conversion (metabolic pathway shift) from heterotrophic to phototrophic growth regime Journal of Applied Phycology. 2020; 32(5); 2807-28182020 Babaei A.Ranglová K.Malapascua J.Torzillo G.Shayegan J.Silva Benavides A.Masojídek J.Zobrazit další (2) 10.1007/s10811-020-02137-w
Selenium Incorporation to Amino Acids in Chlorella Cultures Grown in Phototrophic and Heterotrophic Regimes Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2020; 68(6); 1654-16652020 Mylenko M.Vu D.Kuta J.Ranglová K.Kubáč D.Lakatos G.Grivalský T.Caporgano M.Manoel J.Kopecký J.Masojídek J.Hrouzek P.Zobrazit další (7) 10.1021/acs.jafc.9b06196
Oběžný náhon pro kultivaci mikrořas v tenké vrstvě s usměrněním toku nastavitelnými přepážkami a retenčním boxem pro záchyt oxidu uhličitého 2019 Masojídek J.Ranglová K.Bureš M. Centrum Algatech
Regulovatelný interní zdroj osvětlení pro kultivaci mikrořas založený na luminiscenčních diodách ponořitelný přímo do suspenze 2019 Ranglová K.Bureš M.Masojídek J. Centrum Algatech
Development of thin-layer cascades for microalgae cultivation: milestones Folia Microbiologica. 2019; 64(5 SI); 603-6142019 Grivalský T.Ranglová K.Manoel J.Lakatos G.Lhotský R.Masojídek J.Zobrazit další (1) 10.1007/s12223-019-00739-7
Rapid screening test to estimate temperature optima for microalgae growth using photosynthesis activity measurements Folia Microbiologica. 2019; 64(5 SI); 615-6252019 Ranglová K.Lakatos G.Manoel J.Grivalský T.Masojídek J. 10.1007/s12223-019-00738-8
Bioethanol production from microalgae polysaccharides Folia Microbiologica. 2019; 64(5 SI); 627-6442019 Lakatos G.Ranglová K.Manoel J.Grivalský T.Kopecký J.Masojídek J.Zobrazit další (1) 10.1007/s12223-019-00732-0
Photosynthesis and growth kinetics of Chlorella vulgaris R-117 cultured in an internally LED-illuminated photobioreactor Photosynthetica. 2019; 57(1); 103-1122019 Malapascua J.Ranglová K.Masojídek J. 10.32615/ps.2019.031
In vitro bioaccessibility of selenoamino acids from selenium (Se)-enriched Chlorella vulgaris biomass in comparison to selenized yeast; a Se-enriched food supplement; and Se-rich foods Food Chemistry. 2019; 279(MAY 1); 12-192019 Vu D.Saurav K.Mylenko M.Ranglová K.Kuta J.Ewe D.Masojídek J.Hrouzek P.Zobrazit další (3) 10.1016/j.foodchem.2018.12.004