

Institute of Microbiology of the Czech Academy of Sciences

Vídeňská 1083, 142 00 Prague 4, Czech Republic

Business ID: 61388971
Tax ID: CZ61388971

Data box: ndpn2cp

+420 296 442 341

List of IM employees

Calling outside the campus: GTS 296 44 + extension or O2 241 06 + extension

How to reach us?

By metro (line C)

  • to Kačerov metro station, then by bus no. 138 from Kačerov in the direction “Ústavy Akademie věd” to the final stop
  • from Budějovická metro station by bus no. 193 (direction Šeberák/Chodov) to the request stop “Zelené domky”
  • from Poliklinika Budějovická station by bus no. 203 (direction Háje) to the stop “Ústavy Akademie věd”

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