HR Award
We received the prestigious HR Award in July 2024.
We fully adhere to the principles of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code for the Recruitment of Researchers.
Based on the Charter and the Code, research institutions across Europe implement the so-called Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R). Those institutions that succeed in implementing the Charter and the Code receive the “HR Excellence in Research Award” (HR Award) from the European Commission. We strive to improve working conditions and relationships between researchers and the institute in order to support the professional development and success of researchers and teams. This is key to successful research and its contribution to society. As part of professional development, we support all forms of mobility in accordance with the principles of the Charter.
Documents for download
Evropská charta pro výzkumné pracovníky Kodex chování pro přijímání výzkumných pracovníků
Evropská charta pro výzkumné pracovníky Kodex chování pro přijímání výzkumných pracovníků
Bonn Declaration on Freedom of Scientific Research
Bonn Declaration on Freedom of Scientific Research
Process Description
Process Description
GAP Analysis (Charter and Code Checklist)
GAP Analysis (Charter and Code Checklist)
OTM-R Checklist
OTM-R Checklist
Action Plan
Action Plan
Strategie rovnosti žen a mužů na léta 2021 – 2030
Strategie rovnosti žen a mužů na léta 2021 – 2030
STANDARD Genderového auditu
STANDARD Genderového auditu