Institute of Microbiology of the Czech Academy of Sciences
The Institute of Microbiology of the CAS represents the largest scientific body extensively exploring life cycles, molecular mechanisms and regulatory systems of various microorganisms such as bacteria, yeast, fungi and algae) as well as mammalian cell lines with respect to basic research questions as well as their prospective practical exploitation in medicine and industry.

the largest in the Czech Republic
Our Institute in numbers
The Institute of Microbiology (IMIC) is currently the largest institute in the Czech Republic that comprehensively studies the properties of microorganisms, from basic research to their practical use in industry, medicine and many other fields.
Upcoming events
Go to calendarIMIC seminar
Unlock the Power of Open Science: Boost Your Research Visibility & Align with Funder Expectations
Speaker: Arzuv Čaryjeva
IMIC seminar
Mechanisms of translation inhibition inferred from functional ribosome-antibiotic complexes
Speaker: Axel Innis
New methods and technologies for the synthesis of glycofarmaceuticals
Invited lecture by: Professor Alexei V. Demchenko