
International mobility of researchers of the Institute of Microbiology of the CAS, v. v. i.


Objectives of the project:

The general objective of the project is the internationalization and strengthening of IM research. For outbound mobility, the project is aimed at supporting the professional development of young rookie IM researchers through acquiring new experience and practices abroad, and supporting high-quality senior IM researchers in their further professional growth. For inbound mobility, the project is aimed at utilizing the potential of post-docs from abroad within the IM and transferring foreign experience of high-quality senior researchers to IM. Within the project, 7 items of inbound mobility and 7 items of outbound mobility will be implemented. The presentation of results and the establishment of contacts will be promoted by attendance at foreign conferences and dissemination seminars.

The project is financially supported by the European Union.

ProviderMinistry of Education, Youth and Sports
Operational ProgramOperational Programme Research, Development and Education
Project numberCZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/16_027/0007990
Project duration1.1.2018 – 31.7.2020
BeneficiaryInstitute of Microbiology of the CAS, v. v. i.