
National Institute for Cancer Research (NICR) 


Project objectives:

The main objective of the project is to establish and build the National Institute for Cancer Research (NICR) as a new national scientific authority in the field of cancer research. The NICR will enable the creation of a nationwide network of collaborating institutions conducting cutting-edge cancer research. Oncology research is currently not sufficiently coordinated and is fragmented across institutions that do not collaborate and do not use the available research infrastructure efficiently and effectively enough. The thematic and especially infrastructural complementarity of individual departments within the NICR will make it possible to remedy this situation and thus achieve the complexity of approach that is essential for modern oncology research. Cancer research will become much more coordinated, strategic and efficient at the national level through the creation of the NICR, which will increase its quality and thus its international competence.

EXCELES projects are funded by a grant from the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports under the EXCELES programme, which aims to support excellent research in priority areas of public interest in the health sector. The EXCELES programme is funded by the European Union through the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) – NextGeneretionEU.

Project numberLX22NPO5102
BeneficiaryCharles University
Principal investigatorprof. MUDr. Aleksi Šedo, DrSc.
Start of the project06/2022
End of the project12/2025
Number of co-beneficiaries (coinvestigators)11, IMIC is a co-beneficiary (coinvestigator)
Coinvestigator for IMICRNDr. Marek Kovář, Ph.D.