
A sustainable multi-strain, multi-method, multi-product microalgae biorefinery integrating industrial side streams to create high-value products for food, feed and fragrance


Objective of the project:

The MULTI-STR3AM project responds to the growing demand for sustainable microalgae products. As the first European project, it is based on the so-called “MULTI-biorefinery” approach, which means the integration of multiple strains, multiple processes and multiple products into one common technology. The consortium includes two companies – Algae for Future (Portugal) and Phycom (Netherlands), which will produce biomass for the preparation of requiered high-quality products such as lipids for feed and food applications; algal protein for feed and cosmetic applications; pigments for food and feed, and low molecular weight organic compounds for cosmetics. The project includes seven work packages covering the entire production process, from biomass production through the integration of individual technologies into three main processing directions, to the final products for three large end users (For Farmers, International Flavors and Fragrances and Upfield). The MULTI-STR3AM project naturally focuses on reducing investment and operating costs for biomass production of microalgae and downstream processing. The role of the team of the Institute of Microbiology of the Czech Academy of Sciences in the project is to obtain new strains, including breeding (non-GMO), proposals for cultivation protocols and the use of chromatography for the isolation of valuable substances.

Number and ID code of the projectN°887227, H2020-BBI-JTI-2019
Type of the projectBBI-IA-DEMO
CoordinatorA4F ALGAFUEL SA, Portugalsko
IMIC Principal ResearcherIng. Jiří Kopecký, CSc.
Start of the project5/2020
End of the project4/2025
Total number of particip. countries3
Of which from EU3
Number of partners7
Total funding for the project6 588 732 EUR
Funding for IMIC698 400 EUR
ProviderProgram EU Horizon 2020 BBI-IA-DEMO – Bio-based Industries Innovation action – Demonstration