
Response of soil microbial communities to climate warming: from local to global scale


Objective of the project:

Global warming represents one of the most complex issues of the present time and climate models predict further increase of temperature in the next decades. However, the extent of microbial response to predicted climate change and the consequences on stability of soil carbon and its possible release into the atmosphere as carbon dioxide and methane represent a major knowledge gap. The aim of MicroWar project is to characterize the response of soil microbial communities to simulated warming in arctic tundra soils by combination of in situ ecosystem manipulation experiments with metagenomic approaches. Further the project aims to assess the response of soil microbial taxa to climate warming manipulations worldwide by meta-analytical synthesis using published data.

Number and ID code of the projectN° 101028243, H2020-MSCA-IF-2020
Type of the projectMSCA-IF-EF-RI
CoordinatorInstitute of Microbiology of the CAS, v.v.i., Czech Republic
IMIC Principal ResearcherRNDr. Jana Voříšková, Ph.D.
Start of the project6/2021
End of the project29.9.2027
Total number of particip. countries1
Of which from EU1
Number of partners0
Total funding for the project156 980,64 EUR
Funding for IMIC156 980,64 EUR
ProviderProgram EU Horizon 2020 MSCA-IF-2020 – Individual Fellowships