
Joining forces to exploit the mycobiota of Asia, Africa and Europe for beneficial metabolites and potential biocontrol agents, using – OMICS techniques


Objective of the project:

The overall aim of the project is to exploit the mycobiota of Asia, Africa and Europe for beneficial metabolites and potential biocontrol agents, using -OMICS techniques. This also includes discovery of new taxa and bioactive molecules applicable in biotechnology and medicine. In the course of the project, partners from Austria, Czechia, Netherlands and South Africa will share knowledge, train students and disseminate results.

Number and ID code of the projectN° 101008129, H2020-MSCA-RISE-2020
Type of the projectMSCA-RISE
CoordinatorHelmholtz-Zentrum für Infektionsforschung GmbH
IMIC Principal ResearcherMgr. Miroslav Kolařík, PhD.
Start of the project4/2021
End of the project9/2025
Total number of particip. countries4
Of which from EU4
Number of partners4
Total funding for the project1 375 400 EUR
Funding for IMIC289 800 EUR
ProviderProgram EU Horizon 2020 MSCA-RISE-2020 – Research and Innovation Staff Exchangee