
Pilot application of nanoparticles containing iron nitrides for reductive dechlorination of chlorinated ethylenes in groundwater


Project objectives:

The primary aim of the project is to develop a pilot plant preparation of nanoparticles based on iron nitrides (FexN) and subsequently apply this nanomaterial for groundwater remediation. Nanoparticles containing FexN and especially their crystalline phase’s gamma´-Fe4N and epsilon-Fe2-3N react in an aqueous environment with chlorinated ethylenes to form non-toxic aliphatic and alicyclic hydrocarbons with a longer carbon chain. The resulting hydrocarbons can be a carbon source for bioremediation microorganisms, which can further lead to a synergistic effect of FexN and microorganisms active in groundwater remediation. The project’s mission is to apply FexN nanoparticles to a specific locality struggling with groundwater pollution caused by chlorinated ethylenes.

This work was co-funded by the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic through the Programme for the Support of Applied Research, Experimental Development and Innovation in the Environmental Fields – Environment for Life. Additional support is provided by the National Recovery Plan, financed by the EU’s Recovery and Resilience Facility under Project No. SS07020145, entitled “Pilot application of nanoparticles containing iron nitrides for reductive dechlorination of chlorinated ethylenes in groundwater“.

Operating programSS – Program aplikovaného výzkumu, experimentálního vývoje a inovací v oblasti životního prostředí – Prostředí pro život
Podprogram 2 – Ekoinovace, technologie a postupy pro ochranu životního prostředí      
Project numberSS07020145
Duration of the project04/2024 -06/2026
BeneficiaryUniverzita Palackého v Olomouci
PartnersEPS biotechnology, s. r. o. , Mikrobiologický ústav AV ČR, v. v. i.


  1. Pilot-Scale: Pilot-scale production of FexN nanoparticles.

Development of procedures and equipment for the pilot-scale production of newly developed FexN- based nanomaterial. This nanomaterial serves as the core component of the proposed remediation technology.

2. Verified technology: Application of nFexN at a contaminated site.

Pilot verification of the technology directly at the ClE-contaminated site. The core approach involves the application of a newly synthesized iron nitride-based nanomaterial (nFexN) for the removal of ClE from contaminated groundwater.

3. Functional sample: Microbial consortium exhibiting remediation effect in the presence of FexN nanoparticles in lyophilized form.

Acquisition of a lyophilizate of remediation-active microbial strains from the remediated site. These strains will be included in the EPS Biotechnology collection and subsequently made available for commercial use in further remediation applications of the entire technology as a bio-augmentation agent, directly supporting the degradation of present pollutants.

4. Secondary results/outputs of the project: 1 x peer-reviewed scientific paper, 2 x conference presentations.