
Laboratory of Molecular Structure Characterization


Infectious metalomics and diagnostics

Havlíček Lab

The multidisciplinary laboratory addresses medical and biotechnological problems through the application of metabolomic and metallomic approaches, encompassing both fundamental and applied research. The laboratory is primarily organized around four core sections: microbiology, mass spectrometry, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), and electron microscopy. Through joint grant projects, economic contracts, or the REQUEST application, our staff provides support for research in collaborating Czech and foreign laboratories. Our primary application areas include infectious metallomics and diagnostics (the study of the molecular basis of diseases of the respiratory system, urinary tract, and central nervous system), metabolomic research of civilization diseases by NMR techniques (metabolic disorders), microbial physiology and biotechnology (the study of secondary metabolism in microbes and the biodegradation of drugs).

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Focus of research

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Secondary metabolism of pathogens
Spatial metabolomics of CNS infections
INTER-MICRO: We talk to microbes
Competence of ticks in pathogen transmission
Diet quality screening for vegans

As part of the scientific direction of infectious metallomics, we monitor metallophores, toxins and other microbial virulence factors in the urine or breath condensate of critically ill patients. These molecular markers are secreted with high frequency by the pathogen into the host and monitored in body fluids by isotopic data filtering techniques. The main recipient of the results is the international medical community, whose early, non-invasive and specific diagnosis of current important infectious diseases enables samples to be taken safely with co-infections or superinfections superimposed on primary viral diseases incl. covid-19.

Services for the public

  • Nuclear magnetic resonance
  • Microscopy
  • Microbiology
  • Mass spectrometry

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Our Team

Meet the members of our Molecular Structure Characterization Laboratory team
Havlíček Lab