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Coordinating plant pigment production: A green role for ORANGE family proteins. Molecular Plant. 2023; 16(9); 1366-13692023 Hitchcock A.Proctor M.Sobotka R. Centrum Algatech10.1016/j.molp.2023.08.006
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Ambient and substrate energy influence decomposer diversity differentially across trophic levels Ecology Letters. 2023; 26(7); 1157-11732023 Kriegel P.Vogel S.Angeleri R.Baldrian P.Borken W.Bouget C.Brin A.Bussler H.Cocciufa C.Feldmann B.Gossner M.Haeler E.Hagge J.Hardersen S.Hartmann H.Hjaelten J.Kotowska M.Lachat T.Larrieu L.Leverkus A.Macagno A.Mitesser O.Mueller J.Obermaier E.Parisi F.Pelz S.Schuldt B.Seibold S.Stengel E.Sverdrup-Thygeson A.Weisser W.Thorn S.Zobrazit další (27) Laboratoř environmentální mikrobiologie10.1111/ele.14227
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Global consortium for the classification of fungi and fungus-like taxa Mycosphere. 2023; 14(1); 1960-20122023 Hyde K.Abdel-Wahab M.Abdollahzadeh J.Abeywickrama P.Absalan S.Afshari N.Ainsworth A.Akulov O.Aleoshin V.Al-Sadi A.Alvarado P.Alves A.Alves-Silva G132 G.Amalfi M.Amira Y.Amuhenage T.Anderson J.Antonín V.Aouali S.Aptroot A.Apurillo C.Araújo J.Ariyawansa H.Armand A.Arumugam E.Haelewaters D.Kolařík M.Zobrazit další (22) Laboratoř genetiky a metabolismu hub10.5943/mycosphere/14/1/23
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