
Redesigning the Photosynthetic Light Reactions


Objective of the project:

Photosynthesis is a key natural process that uses the energy of sunlight to develop the oxygen we breathe and to produce biomass, which we use as food, feed and energy. However, plants, algae and cyanobacteria are able to absorb only part of this energy, there are significant energy losses during the process and the light also constantly damages the photosynthetic apparatus. Improved ability of photosynthetic organisms to absorb energy, its more efficient use and increased resistance to damage could significantly improve food and energy production, which are key challenges facing humanity. Contrary to current approaches, this project seeks to address these challenges by creating a new cyanobacterial-based organism that contains a combination of synthetic components and the most effective parts of the photosynthetic apparatus from different organisms: photosynthetic bacteria, cyanobacteria and plants. This combination ensures a unique ability to absorb most of the sun’s radiation, increase energy gain from it and better resistance to light damage. The project will use the complementary expertise of the participating teams in molecular, synthetic and structural biology, biochemistry and biophysics of both bacterial and plant photosynthesis. The project should create a completely new concept of modification and optimization of complex biological processes such as photosynthesis, which are seemingly unchangeable due to their complexity. The PhotoRedesign project should lay the foundations for a major improvement in the productivity of economically important photosynthetic organisms, from the simplest cyanobacteria to agricultural crops.

Number and ID code of the projectN°854126, ERC-2019-SyG
Type of the projectERC-SyG
IMIC Principal Researcherprof. RNDr. Josef Komenda, CSc., DSc.
Start of the project4/2020
End of the project12/2026
Total number of particip. countries3
Of which from EU3
Number of partners2
Total funding for the project7 496 829 EUR
Funding for IMIC2 498 861 EUR
ProviderProgram EU Horizon 2020 ERC-SyG – Synergy grant