Offer of expertise
for the public and cooperation
Our main area of research is the biology of various groups of fungi, including phytopathogenic ergot fungi (genus Claviceps), symbiotic fungi associated with insects (bark beetles, butterflies, pylorites, etc.), bat pathogens, little-studied fungal lineages, Red List basidiomycetes, toxigenic fungi such as Aspergillus, Penicillium and dermatophytes. Methods used include taxonomic analyses, phylogenetics, transcriptomics, population genetics, microbial community analysis, and biological activity testing.

In what areas can we help you?
- Identification of fungi by phenotype and genotype
- Identification of natural substances produced by microorganisms
- Physiological characterization of microbial strains
- Provision of strains from the CCC – Collection of Clavicipitaceae